You'll be happy to know that so far... no eruption. "
Seismicity levels have risen", but for now, Mt. Redoubt is behaving itself.

It is a gloriously beautiful day in Anchorage, so we went out and hit the town. We ran some errands, and then ended up at the House of Harley. They have a motorcycle from Orange County Choppers on display. The boys from
OCC built this chopper to celebrate 50 years of statehood for Alaska. The bike is being raffled off to raise money for the Children's Hospital at Providence, Alaska. The tickets are $100, and they are only selling 10,000. Do the math, and you'll see what a nice donation it is! If you want more information, here is the link.

The bike is absolutely beautiful. The pictures don't do it justice. My only complaint is that I didn't know the fellows from
OCC were here in December to present the bike to the hospital. I had a chance to meet Mikey and didn't??? I'm seriously bummed.

The names of all of the Governors of Alaska are engraved on the wheels. I thought that was a nice touch.

The tank was beautiful, too. Sorry I didn't get a better picture of it, but the lights put a glare on it no matter which way I turned.
You won't think that is so cute when he is old enough to actually ride one.
This is very true!
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