It's still frozen outside, and I don't feel the need to get out there and take pictures this morning (it's -24!), so I thought I'd share some more summer pictures. Warm thought, warm thoughts, warm thoughts........ These are some of my favorite pics, and ironically, I did not take them. Russ did. Interesting story behind how that happened. Crazy wife, protective husband, etc. We had gone to the Zoo two summers ago and were on our way home. We were coming up the hill into our subdivision on base, when we saw something black run across the road in front of us. I was so surprised, that I only got one picture of the bear running into the woods on our right. It was far off and a little bit blurry, so of course, I had to have a better pic. I believe my exact words were "PULL OVER QUICK SO I CAN GET SOME PICTURES! TURN RIGHT ON THE FIRST STREET!" I think Russ said something to the effect of "ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU ARE NOT CHASING A BLACK BEAR INTO THE WOODS JUST TO GET A PICTURE!" After some fast negotiating, Russ said he would take a picture for me. You have no idea how hard this was for me. I do not hand over the camera easily. The kids and I sat in the truck and he walked behind the house to get my picture. We couldn't see where he went, and he was gone a rather long time. I was ready to open the door and go search for him when not one, but two black bear came out from behind the houses. I was more than a little concerned at this point. Still no hubby. After checking things out, the bear headed back into the woods, and the hubby returned from behind the houses.

Apparently, when Russ went around the building to check for the bear, he saw nothing but woods. He was standing very still, and suddenly a black face appeared in the brush, watching him in return. It was sniffing the air, and came out of the woods toward him. Russ slowly backed up to the houses, ready to escape if needed, when another black shape emerged from the bushes.

These were the siblings that our family refers to as Burt and Ernie. I have no idea if they are boys or girls. (Do you really want to get close enough to check??) They are very curious bears.

Russ watched them for quite a while as they checked out the jogging trail and some of the back patios in the area.

I always knew that exercise could be hazardous!
I am thinking warm thoughts but it just keeps getting colder and snowier here. 10 more weeks till Spring.
we had the air on here in Navarre, it finally dropped below 70 in the afternoon so we opened some windows to cool the house down... it's been a warmer than usual winter this year.
Had to turn on the air to cool off???? YOU"RE KILLING ME!!!!!!
if it makes you feel any better, the heat went on yesterday, it's 35 outside right now, and is supposed to get even colder as the week goes by. They are forcasting lows in the 20's even. I think you sent it down here to us, because I was being mean and bragging about our warmth! haha
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