Greetings once again from the beautiful, thawed out, and turning glorious green tundra. I know I've been saying it a lot lately, but what a glorious day! We ran some errands this morning, and decided to head on down to the weekend market this afternoon. This is the opening weekend for the summer market, and everyone was out enjoying the fun and sunshine. If you ever find yourself in Anchorage in the summer, wander over to the market. It's FREE. There are tons of booths filled with everything from native crafts to fantastic food. They always have live entertainment, too. Now I know that you are wondering... if it was all that and a bag of chips, where are the pictures? (I am hanging my head in shame.) I didn't take my camera. In my defense, we were going to the mall to get new jeans for the kids, so do I really need a camera for that? Apparently so. I will promise to do better in the future. To make up for my sad behavior, I am including the link to the markets so you can check that out. Apparently they remembered to take a camera with them. we were at the market, we just happened to visit the booth of our favorite comic author/illustrator, Chad Carpenter. OK, it wasn't a coincidence, Brandon headed straight for him and I was fast on his trail. Chad writes Tundra Comics. If you've never heard of him, you are definitely losing out! Brandon has all of his books, and just had to have the latest release.

Palins yesterday and Chad Carpenter today? Wow! Could I be having the best week ever or what? By the way, thanks to the people who left such nice notes for me in response to my
Palin post. You guys rock. Who knew someone other than my parents, mother-in-law and Gretchen were actually reading this blog? I know you read it, too,
Dajana. :0)

There is a link on the right side of this page to the home page for Tundra Comics. Click on it if you want to check them out. If you like them, notify your local newspaper and request that they carry his strip in your paper. Believe it or not, you have a voice in this decision. Help an Alaskan out. He's a really great guy and writes some really funny stuff.

I hope your Saturday was at least half as nice as mine. Maybe tomorrow I'll head out to Six Mile Lake for a few springtime pics to post. We are on the countdown now. Just a couple of weeks left before we have to leave beautiful Alaska. It makes me sad to think about it, but I am excited about seeing Europe. I have a feeling that Belgium is going to rock, too. Maybe I'll get
to meet the King...
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