The latest on the Tink saga...I am the queen of lists. There is nothing better to me than a brand new pack of yellow sticky notes and a black ink pen. I think I've mentioned before that nothing is more satisfying than making a list and then getting to mark everything off as completed. I had a sticky sitting on the computer desk in the basement, just a little something to remind me to copy some pictures to a DVD for someone. Nothing major. We shut the lights out and went to bed. Hours later, we woke to the sounds of something crinkling. It's completely dark, so the hubby grabbed the flashlight and shone it at the end of the bed. No surprise. There sat Tink, sticky note in her mouth. "Mrpppp?" she asked. Clearly Russ is interrupting her. I just want to point out that the sticky was on the desk in the basement and the bedroom is on the second floor. This was not an accident. We told Tink to knock it off and go back to sleep. I didn't even bother to fight her for my sticky. Take notes, Grandma and Grandpa. All of this will soon be yours to deal with. The excitement continues...
was this the note reminding you to book their flight? She may be hoping that if she eats it then you will forget about it. Has anyone explained to her that she doesn't have to be eaten to get in the belly of that huge flying bird? And how much the grandparents are looking forward to the pitter-patter of little feet??
I think she is trying to destroy all evidence that might send her away. She has been listening to our conversations. She keeps saying "Take the big kitty and leave me alone!" Both cats will be fat and spoiled when we get them back from the Grandparents. :0)
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